These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

🛠️ Updating your test

To edit a test in Waldo, you can use two pages in the app depending on the changes you want or need to make.

  • The Test page
  • The Run result page

You may refer to the table provided below to help you choose the appropriate page for a specific edit 👇

ActionsRun pageTest page
Edit multiple steps through the test builder
Add/remove/Edit assertions
Edit step loading time limit
Add a step
Delete a step
Modify interaction
Edit test variables
Edit your test dependencies
Duplicate your test
Rename your test
Mute your test
Split your test

How to

☝️ Modify an interaction

🔬 Add / Remove / Fix an assertion

➕ Add a step to my test

➖ Remove a step from my test

⏳ Edit the step loading time for a specific step

🛠️ Edit multiple steps in the test builder

✏️ Rename a test or edit the description

🔇 Mute a test

🖇️ Duplicate a test

⛓️ Edit test dependencies (parent tests)

🎰 Edit test variables

✂️ Split a test