CI Run
Automatically triggering a run
Each time you upload a new build of your app to Waldo, a run of all your currently enabled test flows is triggered automatically.
A run of this kind is tagged as auto
CI-triggered runs
Lastly, you can trigger a run of of one or more test flows for your app with Waldo CLI. This is convenient when you want to trigger a run via CI. Simply add the following to your CI script:
$ waldo trigger --upload_token <<waldoUploadToken>>
Important: Make sure you replace the fake upload token value shown above with the real value for your Waldo app.
You can also use an environment variable to provide the upload token to Waldo CLI:
$ export WALDO_UPLOAD_TOKEN=<<waldoUploadToken>>
$ waldo trigger
A run of this kind is tagged as ci-trigger
Advanced Usage
Whereas only the upload token is required to successfully trigger a run on Waldo, there are a couple other non-required options recognized by Waldo CLI that you may find useful:
--rule_name <value>
— This option instructs Waldo CLI to only run the test flows permitted by the named rule.--verbose
— If you specify this option, Waldo CLI prints additional debug information. This can shed more light on why your trigger request is failing.
Updated about 2 years ago