These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Removing a step from my test

It's not uncommon for tests to fail due to a step that has been removed from your application flow, such as a permission modal or an onboarding step that has been deleted.

With Waldo, you don't need to worry about manually re-recording your entire test when a step has removed. Removing a step in your test is quick and easy with just a few clicks.

  • From a run result page click on the step that you want to delete
    In this example, the test is failing because there the permission modal has been removed from my application flow:

  • Click the Edit test button

  • Click the Delete step button

  • Once you’re sure that you want to delete the step, you can click on the Delete and run button. It will delete the step and run the test to make sure it passes.

Congratulations, you fixed your test! 🎉


Note: This action can only be performed from the Run results page.