These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Test Suite Organization

A large part of managing and maintaining a successful testing infrastructure is the organization of your test suite itself.

Waldo makes it easy to organize tests in a folder system: allowing you to group related tests together, and quickly find the tests you are looking for.

When you first start out with Waldo, we recommend creating a Foundational Test.

This test is not only the first test you will create in the platform, but should be a test component you intend to reuse and chain to other tests later on. Examples of this include Sign Up or Login tests.


Where to begin...

For more on our Foundational Test and testing principles, click here. To find out which test type is the best fit for your foundational test, click here.

Common tests that Waldo customers build in the first 30 days cover user flows that cover your app's entry points and main flows, such as:

  • Sign up flow
  • Logging in flow
  • Delete account flow
  • Feature-focused test
  • Regression test (a test to ensure your new update doesn't break something that wasn't broken in the previous build)
  • Smoke testing (daily test run to make sure main features are behaving normally)

After you establish some of these more basic tests, you can expand your test suite to include more regressions, app setting changes, feature-based tests, and smoke testing. Keep in mind that you should first have a strong foundation of core functions.