These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

GitHub Actions

Waldo integration with GitHub Actions requires you only to add the Upload to Waldo action to your workflow:

      #... (generate .apk and save path as APK_PATH to $GITHUB_ENV)

      - name: Upload build to Waldo
        uses: waldoapp/gh-action-upload@v1
          build_path: ${{ env.APK_PATH }}
          upload_token: ${{ secrets.WALDO_UPLOAD_TOKEN }}

Important: If you use the Checkout V2 or V3 action in your workflow, you must set fetch-depth: 0. Otherwise, Waldo CLI will not be able to correctly identify the git commit and branch associated with your build.

Note: The value you supply to the upload_token input should be specified as a “secret” environment variable by going to the GitHub Settings tab in your repository, selecting the Secrets > Actions menu, and assigning your upload token to WALDO_UPLOAD_TOKEN. (Your app’s upload token is 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef.)