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🗑️ Removing a step

Whether a mistake was made during the creation of a test or your application has changed, deleting a step from a flow is sometimes necessary.

In Waldo, you can remove a previous interaction in the recorder or update your test if it was already saved.

In the recorder

Whether you are recording or updating a flow, making a mistake in the recorder is bound to happen. Thankfully, you can delete a step to correct any mistakes.

In the recorder, deleting a step is very simple. Just click the x button on the step you want to delete.


The selected step will be deleted from the current flow.

However, keep in mind that doing so might break your flow. It is essential that each interaction recorded in your flow is leading to the next one and that the system will be able to replay each of them sequentially.

From a saved test

In order to keep flows reliable and consistent, Waldo requires you to update your flow if you need to delete a step from a saved test. To do so, just update the test from the step before the one you want to delete and record the interactions until the end of the flow.