These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

👥 Managing members

Manage who can access your Waldo account and invite new members to your organization.

Invite members to your organization

  • Go to the settings page by clicking on your user icon in the bottom left corner of your dash
  • Click the Members tab. You will be able to see all current members, and send invites to new users.
  • Enter the email address of the team member you want to invite and click the Send invite button.

  • After sending the invite, you can see that a new invitation has been sent to the team member in the “Invited” tab.

  • Once your team member confirms their Waldo account, their credentials populate in the “Members” tab with the rest of your active members.

Revoking access to a member of your organization

  • Only administrators (account owners) can remove a member from the account. To revoke access to a member of member of your organization, click the Trash button to the right of their credential.