π² Supported Device Configurations
Waldo allows testing seamlessly on different device configurations.
Waldo supports Android and iOS devices.
How to find the complete list of supported devices ?
You can either
- head to Live Session creation and see the list of devices offered in the drop-downs (beware as you will only the devices for the platform (iOS / Android) of your current app)
- poll the up-to-date list from our API! https://core.waldo.com/devices
Manufacturers custom skins
Waldo only provides stock emulators (the one published by Google).
Many Android phones manufacturers (Samsung, Huawei, Oneplus... ) apply a custom skin on top of Android that provides additional features, apps, and services. Unfortunately, emulators with those skins are not published and thus can't be provided by Waldo.
OS and model coverage for iOS
At the time of this writing, the latest iOS version is 18.0
for simulators. That is, the major version is 18
(let's call it currentMajor
), and the minor version is 0.
We support OS versions according to these rules:
- the latest minor version for the major version
currentMajor - 2
- the earliest and the latest minor versions for the major version
currentMajor - 1
- the earliest and the latest minor version for the major version
. They are the same when iOS releases a new OS version.
Not all minor versions are available on simulators
Apple does not publish simulator images for all their minor versions.
Updated 6 months ago