Android APK for arm64 emulators

⚡ Make sure your build runs on the arm64 emulator and benefit from the speed of Waldo’s latest infrastructure!

Android was designed for the arm64architecture. However, Intel computers were so widespread that, most of the time, emulators would run against the x86_64 (Intel) architecture. This is why Waldo initially required your Android build to be compatible with the x86_64 architecture.

In Q2 2024, Waldo upgraded its infrastructure to use arm64 emulators instead of x86_64.

The impact? Device startup times are 3⚡ times faster! This can have a massive impact on test duration (especially with suites containing many small tests, as they require allocating more devices from Waldo).


Deprecation notice

For this reason, we intend to drop support for x86_64 emulators in September 2024.

Fear not, as the transition will be very smooth (Android was build for arm64 after all!). Follow these steps to ensure that you can benefit from the speed of our new arm64 architecture!

How to know if your APK is built for arm64?

  • in Android Studio, open the APK Analyzer from Build > Analyze APK and select your APK.
  • Check the lib folder in the APK to verify that it contains armeabi-v7a or arm64-v8a. If so, congrats, your app is ready to run on our arm64 emulators 💪 !

Other, follow the step below ⬇️.

Tune your app config to build for arm64


Your app probably already builds for arm64, so make sure you first try the previous step.

If you build with Gradle

  • Open your build.gradle file (usually the one in the app module).
  • Look for the ndk section if you have one, and ensure that the abiFilters include armeabi-v7a or arm64-v8a.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a'