API Reference
These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.


It is possible to receive the results of your runs as soon as they are available on an endpoint of your choice.

Waldo will POST a request to the selected endpoint on your own REST API every time your suite is run.


The only way of setting a webhook subscription is through rules.
When creating or editing a rule, it is possible to add a webhook through the notification section.


As soon as your rule has finished running, and after eventual run retries, Waldo will POST a request to the URL you defined in the rule settings, with the following JSON body (example):

  "suiteId": "testSuite-1234abcd",
  "gitSha": "123456abcdef",
  "gitMetadata": {
    "branchName": "master"
  "link": "https://app.waldo.com/applications/app-1234abcd/runs/testSuite-1234abcd",
  "firstTimeDone": true | false,
  "status": "success" | "error" | "pending" | "stopped",
  "overview": {
    "success": 1,
    "flaky": 1,
    "stopped": 1,
    "error": 1,
    "pending": 1,
  // the 'results' field is now deprecated, please use the 'overview' field instead
  "results": {
    "success": 1,
    "skipped": 1,
    "assertions_failed": 1,
    "error": 1,
    "non_responsive": 1,
    "crash": 1,

IP whitelisting

Webhook notifications will come from the static IP